I Feel Vibrations
In a moment of inspiration I made a post on Instagram that detailed my vision to weave themes from my art within interior design concepts. I imagined a method of taking inspiration from my artwork in order to further create and design for interiors.
Instagram: @RichardAngeloRunfola
Later that day I received a comment from another Instagram account @kyngdcsw who admired my vision and related it to his own.
”I am starting to do the same thing with my poetry. I take a picture of something I see and I start to write poetry based off of how I feel about the picture. I think it would be really cool if I wrote a poem about your picture. I admire your art” -kyng
I have never had the opportunity for someone to write creatively about my art and so this was a very exciting opportunity for me. I had just finished digitally editing a photo that I was excited about and so I sent it to him asking if it would work.
Artwork by Richard Angelo Runfola
Kyng responded, “I got this. I love it.”
Kyng took some moments to craft his words, find his voice, and express himself to the fullest being inspired by the artwork. He sent me this,
I feel vibrations.
Deep inside my inner conscious is a realm unvisited by man, beasts and aliens.
No one understands where I come from. Not even myself.
If I had to describe this place I would use colors.
Purple for the passion I feel when I write, Black for the void that fills up my life.
Gray for the smoke that I blow to relax, Yellow for the good times I had a while back.
Red for the fury I feel towards injustice, White for my positivity and pureness, I let no one touch it.
No one understands me. I am an alien.
No one gets the way I feel, I feel differently.
I feel colors in vibrations.
This was a happy moment for me because his words made me feel something deep inside. His words showed me how my art can be used as a method of self expression. His writing proved to me that written word can make art so much more meaningful and powerful. The way in which his poetry danced with my artwork proved to me that there is a method of communication between creators of all kind that is charged with emotion and expression that allows two beings to connect on such a pure level.
Kyng helped me realize the importance of connecting and collaborating with other artists, speaking the same language of creativity. However, he also inspired me to look at design differently. In his work I feel colors in vibrations he made me realize that if I wanted to design a room based off of my art I would need to do much more than find colors and patterns that match my work. He made me realize that I need to write and express myself about how the art makes me feel on the inside, how the art makes me relate to my surroundings, how my art connects to more than just the colors and composition. I think that digging deep through written words will allow me to make connections that greatly empower my design decisions.
Please support EMCI KYNG by listening to his music on SoundCloud and following him on Instagram @kyngdcsw
Click here to listen EMCI KYNG’s music!
Emci Kyng has many different styles of music to express himself. He learned that by taking Psalms from the Bible and adding a melody to them, that he could create something emotionally piercing, but catchy. When he raps, the mood is eclectic, melodic and relaxed. When he combined private tutoring and YouTube guitar lessons, he learned to combine his singing and guitar skills to compose songs. When he feels inspired, he creates melodies on the piano and sings over them. More recently, he has paired himself with a mastermind producer; Joseph Jacobs whose beats have been the inspiration for songs like ‘Break it Down’, and ‘Time To Embrace’.